New Maintenance Schedule

As you know, we are currently upgrading our internal maintenance system, and we are striving to ensure all clients are allocated with time frames that suit their schedules.

At its core, the maintenance schedule carves out a weekly, two-hour time slot, for us to proactively work on updating your systems.

Maintenance Schedule

Please review the frequently asked questions below, or proceed to the next page to start filling out the form.

Please remember you can contact your Customer Success Manager on 1300 661 859 if you have any questions.

What does maintenance include?
Maintenance includes, but is not limited to:

  • Installation of operating system updates (Microsoft updates)
  • Installation of third-party software (and updates)
  • Automated housekeeping tasks such as disk cleanups
  • Investigating and resolving any system issues we detect
  • Reboots (only when required)

When is a good time for maintenance to occur?
We recommend maintenance occurs 2+ hours after your business closes. Whatever time you select, you should advise your staff that they should always save their work and log out (not shut down!) before leaving.

Will all of my servers be unavailable for all hours allocated every week?
No. We'll take that two hour window you provide and schedule maintenance for your servers between these times, so that there is minimal downtime. Maintenance will begin at the start of the window, but only take place in the background. Then, at the end of the window (if necessary) your system will reboot (and thus be temporarily unavailable for only a few minutes).

Why is there no monthly option?
Typically, updates that require reboots are only released once a month but we require a weekly maintenance window for all devices so we can install critical updates that cannot wait until the next month - things like security patches. We would never recommend waiting for these.

What happens if I don't submit this form?
If this form is not submitted, your maintenance times will be the default options available in this form. For businesses that trade between 5AM and 8PM, this should pose no problem.

If you need assistance filling out the form, or have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager on 1300 661 859.

Server Maintenance

Please select at least one day and time period that we can setup as your maintenance schedule. Please note that some of your services may be unavailable for a few minutes at the end of each maintenance period.

Workstation Maintenance

Again, please select at least one day and time period that we can setup as your maintenance schedule.

Install in background:

  • Your users may be requested to reboot their systems to finalise updates (usually only once a month).


  • The specific maintenance windows you approve will be distributed against your workstations

Notebook Maintenance

Please select at least one day and time period that we can setup as your maintenance schedule.

Install in background:

  • Your users may be requested to reboot their systems to finalise updates (usually only once a month).


  • The specific maintenance windows you approve will be distributed against your workstations

Software Installation & Updates

We will proactively update any supported third-party software (this will occur in the background) regularly to ensure important software is kept up-to-date.

We can also ensure this software is installed on your workstations automatically:

Special Considerations

If you have any scenarios where we must not perform maintenance, such as EOFY stock-takes or long-running, recurring processes that must not be interrupted on certain days - please mention them here. If you have any questions or concerns about the maintenance process, please contact your Customer Success Manager on 1300 661 859.

(If there is a need to delay maintenance for a short-time, you can also contact our Service Desk on the contact number above, ahead of time - you won't need to re-submit this form each time).